The holiday season is synonymous with a heightened sense of consumer activity. As businesses across the globe gear up to cash in on the festive, having a meticulously crafted marketing strategy is indispensable. In this comprehensive holiday campaign guide, we delve into various dynamic and personalized marketing avenues to ensure your brand stands out and enjoys a hefty slice of the holiday pie.

The end of the year 2023 marks when most brands anticipate spending to reach new heights. 

  • US shoppers are projected to spend $190B+ online during the holiday season, 35.8% more than in 2019
  • The Black Friday-Cyber Monday (BFCM) weekend, from Thanksgiving Day to Cyber Monday, will account for about 20% of total holiday shopping, 39.6% more spend than last year

1. Personalizing Your Website for the Holidays Campaign

Creating a unique and engaging user experience for the Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday (TBF/CM) shopping rush is crucial for making the most out of the holiday shopping season. Here’s how you can personalize your website for these holidays:

holiday campaign
  • Festive Design Update:
    • Update your website with festive graphics, banners, and colours that reflect the spirit of Thanksgiving and the excitement of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This could include turkey illustrations, autumn leaves, or discount-themed visuals.
  • Landing Pages:
    • Create dedicated landing pages for each event. These pages should clearly highlight the special offers, discounts, and products that are on sale, making it easier for visitors to navigate and find what they’re looking for.
  • Countdown Timers:
    • Implement countdown timers to build anticipation for upcoming sales and to create a sense of urgency during the sales.
  • Highlight Deals and Offers:
    • Make sure that your holiday deals are easily accessible and prominently displayed on your homepage and product pages. Include banners or pop-ups that provide information on discounts and special offers.
  • Customized Product Recommendations:
    • Utilize algorithms to provide personalized product recommendations based on browsing history, previous purchases, or items in their shopping cart. This can enhance the user experience and increase sales.
  • Email Marketing Integration:
    • Collect email addresses for sending personalized notifications about TBF/CM deals. Offer early access or special discounts to subscribers as an incentive.
  • Social Proof:
    • Display reviews, ratings, and testimonials to build trust. Showing social proof like how many people have bought or viewed a product can also encourage purchases.
  • Live Chat and Support:
    • Provide live chat support to help visitors with their queries in real time. This can enhance the customer experience and potentially lead to higher conversion rates.
  • Mobile Optimization:
    • Ensure that your website is mobile-responsive to cater to the large number of shoppers who will be accessing your site via smartphones and tablets.
  • Easy Checkout Process:
    • Simplify the checkout process to reduce cart abandonment rates. Offer multiple payment options, and ensure that your website’s loading speed is optimal to provide a smooth shopping experience.
  • SEO and Paid Advertising:
    • Optimize your website for search engines to capture organic traffic. Also, consider running paid advertising campaigns targeting keywords related to Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday deals.
  • Engagement Features:
    • Include engagement features like quizzes that help users find the perfect gift or product, or contests that keep users engaged and excited about your brand.
  • Retargeting Campaigns:
    • Use retargeting campaigns to re-engage visitors who have left your website without making a purchase, reminding them of the products they viewed and the deals available.

By integrating these personalized features and strategies, you’ll be better positioned to capture the attention and wallets of holiday shoppers during the bustling Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday shopping season.

2. VIP Early Access for Holiday Campaign:

Creating a VIP Early Access strategy can help in building loyalty, enhancing customer satisfaction, and ensuring a successful sales turnout during the Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday (TBF/CM) shopping period. Here is a detailed strategy to consider:

  • Identify Your VIPs:
    • Start by identifying who your VIP customers are. These could be customers who have spent a certain amount of money on your products/services, or those who are subscribed to a loyalty program.
  • Exclusive Previews:
    • Offer your VIP customers an exclusive preview of your TBF/CM deals before they go live. This could be done through email campaigns or exclusive member-only access on your website.
  • Early Access to Sales:
    • Allow VIP customers to start shopping the sales a day or two before the general public. This not only makes them feel valued but also helps in reducing the traffic load on your website during the actual sale days.
  • Special Discounts:
    • Provide additional discounts or better deals for your VIP customers. This could include offering an extra percentage off sale prices or a buy-one-get-one-free deal.
  • Free Shipping and Returns:
    • Offer free shipping and hassle-free returns for VIP customers to encourage them to make purchases.
  • Exclusive Product Bundles:
    • Create special product bundles or exclusive products that are only available to VIP customers.
  • Dedicated Customer Support:
    • Offer a dedicated customer support line or chat support for VIP customers to provide them with immediate assistance as they shop.
  • Personalized Recommendations:
    • Use data analytics to provide personalized product recommendations to your VIP customers based on their previous shopping behaviour.
  • Loyalty Points:
    • Offer double or triple loyalty points on purchases made during the TBF/CM period to encourage more spending.
  • Engagement and Feedback:
    • Engage with your VIP customers by sending them personalized thank-you notes or asking for feedback after they’ve made a purchase.
  • VIP-Only Extended Sales:
    • Extend the sales period for VIP customers, giving them more time to shop even after the general sales are over.
  • Social Media Engagement:
    • Encourage VIP customers to share their purchases on social media for additional discounts or points. This not only promotes customer engagement but also acts as a word-of-mouth marketing strategy.
  • Retargeting and Follow-Up:
    • After the sales, engage in retargeting campaigns to remind VIP customers of any items they may have left in their cart and follow up with personalized offers or recommendations.
  • Analyze and Optimize:
    • Post TBF/CM, analyze the performance of your VIP Early Access strategy to understand what worked and what didn’t. Use this data to optimize your strategy for future sales events.

Implementing a well-thought-out VIP Early Access strategy will not only provide a better shopping experience for your valued customers but also ensure a successful and profitable TBF/CM sales period for your business.

3. Holiday Campaign Giveaways on Social Media

Holiday Giveaways on social media are a fantastic way to spread cheer, engage with your audience, and promote your brand during the festive season. Here’s a comprehensive strategy to help you plan and execute your holiday giveaways:

  • Identify Goals:
    • Define what you want to achieve. This could range from increasing your follower count, driving traffic to your website, generating leads, or promoting a new product/service.
  • Choose the Right Platform(s):
    • Select the social media platforms where your target audience is most active. Common platforms for giveaways include Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Select Prizes:
    • Offer attractive, valuable prizes that resonate with your audience. Your products or services, exclusive discounts, or holiday-themed packages could be part of the giveaway.
  • Design Eye-catching Graphics:
    • Create visually appealing graphics that reflect the holiday spirit and grab attention. Utilize your brand colors and logos to maintain brand consistency.
  • Craft Clear Rules and Guidelines:
    • Be transparent with the giveaway rules, eligibility criteria, and the process for selecting and announcing winners. Make the instructions easy to understand and follow.
  • Utilize Hashtags:
    • Create a unique hashtag for your giveaway and encourage participants to use it. Also, use popular holiday and giveaway-related hashtags to increase visibility.
  • Promote the Giveaway:
    • Promote your giveaway across all your marketing channels including email, other social platforms, and your website. Consider collaborating with influencers or other brands to reach a wider audience.
  • Engage with Participants:
    • Respond to comments, answer questions, and interact with your audience throughout the giveaway period to maintain engagement and excitement.
  • Utilize User-Generated Content (UGC):
    • Encourage participants to share photos, videos, or testimonials as a part of the entry process. This UGC can be used in future marketing efforts.
  • Track and Analyze Performance:
    • Monitor the performance of your giveaway in real time using analytics tools. Track metrics like engagement rates, new followers, website traffic, and lead generation to measure the success of your campaign.
  • Announce Winners Publicly:
    • Announce the winners on your social media channels and website. Make the announcement engaging and celebratory.
  • Follow-Up:
    • Post-giveaway, thank all participants with a special offer or discount as a token of appreciation. This will help retain engagement and turn participants into potential customers.
  • Collect and Analyze Feedback:
    • Collect feedback from participants to understand what worked well and what didn’t. Use this feedback to improve future giveaways.
  • Document and Learn:
    • Document the process, results, and learnings from the giveaway campaign. This documentation will be invaluable for planning future campaigns.

Executing a well-planned holiday campaign giveaway on social media can significantly enhance your brand’s presence, foster a closer connection with your audience, and contribute to your overall holiday marketing success.

4. Mobile Marketing Strategy for Holiday Campaign:

Mobile marketing is critical, especially during the holiday season when consumers are on the lookout for deals and offers on the go. Here’s a robust Mobile Marketing Strategy to enhance engagement and drive sales during the holiday season:

  • Optimize for Mobile:
    • Ensure your website and landing pages are mobile-responsive with fast loading times.
    • Optimize your site’s navigation and checkout process to be user-friendly on mobile devices.
  • App Development:
    • If feasible, develop a mobile app for your business.
    • Offer special app-only discounts or early access to holiday sales to encourage downloads and usage.
  • SMS Marketing:
    • Build an SMS subscriber list to send personalized messages about holiday deals, special offers, and reminders.
    • Ensure compliance with legal requirements and best practices for SMS marketing.
  • Push Notifications:
    • Utilize push notifications to alert app users about upcoming sales, new product launches, or special holiday offers.
    • Customize notifications based on user behaviour and preferences to increase relevance and engagement.
  • Mobile Advertising:
    • Run mobile-optimized ad campaigns on social media platforms and Google.
    • Use geo-targeting to send personalized offers to users based on their location.
  • QR Codes:
    • Incorporate QR codes in your physical stores, packaging, or print advertising to direct users to your mobile site or app where they can access holiday deals.
  • Augmented Reality (AR):
    • Employ AR to enhance the mobile shopping experience, allowing customers to try products before purchasing.
  • Mobile Payment Options:
    • Offer a variety of mobile payment options to streamline the checkout process.
    • Promote contactless payments, especially in physical stores, to cater to health and safety concerns.
  • User-Generated Content:
    • Encourage customers to share their purchases on social media through your app or mobile site.
    • Run a holiday-themed hashtag campaign to aggregate user-generated content.
  • In-App Promotions:
    • Promote your holiday deals and special offers within your app.
    • Offer an in-app loyalty program where users can earn points or rewards for purchases made during the holiday campaign season.
  • Analytics and Tracking:
    • Utilize mobile analytics to track user behaviour, app downloads, and campaign effectiveness.
    • Adjust your mobile marketing strategy in real time based on analytics data to optimize performance.
  • Customer Support:
    • Offer mobile-friendly customer support through live chat, chatbots, or an easily accessible FAQ section within your app or mobile site.
  • Personalization:
    • Personalize the mobile shopping experience by offering recommendations based on past behaviour or preferences.
    • Utilize data to personalize messages, offers, and ads to individual users.
  • Influencer Collaborations:
    • Partner with influencers to promote your mobile app or holiday campaign deals on their platforms.
  • Retargeting Campaigns:
    • Engage in retargeting campaigns to bring back users who visited your mobile site or app but did not make a purchase.

By implementing a mobile-centric approach, you can effectively reach and engage with your customers on a more personal level, driving higher conversions and enhancing the overall customer experience during the holiday campaign season.

5. Video Marketing for the Holiday Campaign

Creating a video marketing strategy for holiday campaigncan significantly enhance engagement, reach, and conversions. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to craft and execute a compelling video marketing campaign:

  • Identify Your Goals:
    • Define what you aim to achieve with your video marketing campaign, whether it’s boosting brand awareness, promoting special holiday offers, or driving traffic to your website.
  • Target Audience:
    • Understand who your target audience is and what type of content resonates with them. Tailor your video content to appeal to their interests and preferences.
  • Create a Storyboard:
    • Plan your videos by creating storyboards. Outline the key messages, visuals, and call-to-actions (CTAs) you want to include.
  • Festive Themes:
    • Incorporate festive themes into your videos to resonate with the holiday spirit. Use holiday-related visuals, music, and graphics.
  • Quality Production:
    • Ensure your videos are of high quality with clear visuals and audio. Consider hiring a professional video production team if necessary.
  • Educational and Entertaining Content:
    • Create content that is both informative and entertaining. Showcase your products, explain the benefits, and share holiday campaigntips or ideas.
  • Promotional Offers:
    • Highlight your holiday campaign promotions, discounts, and special offers in your videos. Make sure the deals are clear and enticing.
  • Call to Action (CTA):
    • Include strong CTAs in your videos encouraging viewers to shop now, visit your website, or take advantage of holiday campaign offers.
  • Optimize for SEO:
    • Optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords to improve visibility on platforms like YouTube and Google.
  • Share Across Platforms:
    • Share your videos on various platforms including your website, social media channels, and email marketing campaigns.
  • Schedule Your Releases:
    • Plan and schedule the release of your videos to keep your audience engaged throughout the holiday season.
  • Collaborate with Influencers:
    • Partner with influencers to create and share video content promoting your holiday campaign offers to a wider audience.
  • Interactive Elements:
    • Include interactive elements in your videos such as clickable links, embedded forms, or social sharing buttons to drive engagement and actions.
  • Track Performance:
    • Monitor the performance of your video campaign by analyzing metrics like views, engagement, click-through rates, and conversions.
  • Adjust Strategy:
    • Based on performance data, adjust your video marketing strategy as needed to maximize effectiveness.
  • Customer Testimonials:
    • Share customer testimonials and reviews in video format to build trust and encourage others to make a purchase.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content:
    • Show behind-the-scenes content to humanize your brand and build a deeper connection with your audience.

Executing a well-thought-out video marketing campaign for holiday campaign promotions can significantly contribute to your brand’s success during the festive season, making it a joyous and profitable time for your business.

6. Influencer Partnerships for the Holiday Campaign

Creating a structured Influencer Partnerships Program can greatly amplify your brand’s visibility and engagement during the Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday shopping spree. Here’s a tabulated plan to organize and execute your influencer partnerships:

Stage Action Items Details
Preparation Identify Potential Influencers Look for influencers who align with your brand values and have a following that matches your target audience.
Set Clear Objectives Define what you aim to achieve – be it brand awareness, product promotion, or driving sales.
Budget Allocation Allocate a budget for influencer partnerships including payment, free products, or affiliate commissions.
Contract & Guidelines Draft clear contracts and guidelines outlining the partnership terms, deliverables, and expectations.
Collaboration Content Creation Collaborate on creating engaging, authentic content that resonates with the holiday theme and promotes your offers.
Schedule Posts Plan the schedule for posts to be published across various social media platforms.
Promotion Codes Provide unique promotion codes for each influencer to share with their followers.
Affiliate Links Create affiliate links for influencers to share, enabling tracking of sales and commissions.
Promotion Cross-promotion Share the influencer-generated content on your brand’s social media channels and website.
Paid Amplification Boost influencer posts with paid advertising to reach a wider audience.
Email Marketing Include influencer content in your email marketing campaigns to build trust and drive engagement.
Evaluation Tracking & Analytics Monitor the performance of each influencer partnership through tracking codes, affiliate links, and analytics.
Feedback & Adjustments Gather feedback from influencers and your audience to understand what worked well and what didn’t.
ROI Analysis Evaluate the ROI of each influencer partnership by analyzing metrics like traffic, engagement, and sales generated.

Following this structured approach will help in establishing successful influencer partnerships, creating impactful content, and maximizing your brand’s exposure and sales during the crucial Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday retail period.

7. Holiday Combos to increase the Average Order Value (AOV)

Creating Holiday Combos is a proven strategy to increase the Average Order Value (AOV) during the festive season. Here’s a detailed plan to design and promote Holiday Combos:

  • Product Selection:
    • Identify popular products that complement each other and can be bundled together.
    • Include a mix of best-sellers, overstocked items, and new products to clear inventory and promote new offerings.
  • Bundle Pricing:
    • Price the bundles in a way that offers perceived savings compared to purchasing items individually.
    • Ensure that the pricing strategy is still profitable while being attractive to customers.
  • Theme Presentation:
    • Design your combos to resonate with the holiday theme, utilizing festive packaging, and decorations.
    • Name your combos creatively to entice customers and reflect the holiday spirit.
  • Promotion:
    • Create dedicated landing pages for your holiday combos with clear visuals, pricing, and savings information.
    • Promote the combos on your homepage, product pages, and through banners or pop-ups.
  • Social Media Marketing:
    • Utilize social media platforms to showcase your holiday combos, explaining the value and benefits.
    • Collaborate with influencers to create unboxing videos or reviews of your holiday combos.
  • Email Marketing:
    • Send personalized emails to your customers showcasing the holiday combos, emphasizing the savings and limited availability.
    • Offer exclusive early access or additional discounts on combos for subscribers.
  • Paid Advertising:
    • Run paid advertising campaigns focusing on the unique value proposition of your holiday combos.
    • Utilize retargeting ads to engage customers who showed interest but didn’t make a purchase.
  • Mobile Optimization:
    • Ensure that your holiday combo offers are easily accessible and well-presented on mobile devices.
    • Promote holiday combos through mobile notifications for app users.
  • Upsell and Cross-sell:
    • Offer upsells and cross-sells at checkout by suggesting add-ons or higher-valued combos.
    • Showcase similar or complementary combos on product pages to encourage additional purchases.
  • Customer Reviews:
    • Encourage and display customer reviews for your holiday combos to build trust and persuade others.
    • Offer incentives for reviewing purchases like discount codes for future buys.
  • Limited-Time Offers:
    • Create a sense of urgency by offering holiday combos as limited-time offers.
    • Use countdown timers to show the time left to avail the special bundle pricing.
  • Performance Analysis:
    • Analyze the performance of different combos in terms of sales, profitability, and customer feedback.
    • Use the insights to optimize your combo offerings and pricing strategy for future campaigns.
  • Customer Support:
    • Provide clear information and support for inquiries related to holiday combos, ensuring a seamless customer experience.

By implementing a well-rounded strategy focused on creating value-driven holiday combos and promoting them effectively, you can significantly enhance the Average Order Value, drive sales, and improve customer satisfaction during the festive season.

Stage Action Items Details
Product Selection Identify Complementary Products Select popular products that pair well together for bundling.
Mix of Products Include best-sellers, overstocked items, and new products in the bundles.
Bundle Pricing Pricing Strategy Ensure bundles offer perceived savings while remaining profitable.
Theme Presentation Festive Packaging Design festive packaging and decorations for the holiday combos.
Creative Naming Name the combos creatively to resonate with the holiday spirit.
Promotion Landing Pages Create dedicated landing pages for holiday combos with clear visuals, pricing, and savings information.
Homepage and Product Page Promotion Collaborate with influencers for unboxing or reviewing videos of the holiday combos.
Social Media Marketing Combo Showcasing Utilize social media to showcase and explain the value and benefits of the holiday combos.
Influencer Collaborations Collaborate with influencers for unboxing or review videos of the holiday combos.
Email Marketing Personalized Emails Send personalized emails showcasing the combos, emphasizing savings and limited availability.
Exclusive Offers Offer exclusive early access or additional discounts on combos for subscribers.
Paid Advertising Campaign Creation Run campaigns focusing on the unique value proposition of your holiday combos.
Retargeting Ads Utilize retargeting ads to engage customers who showed interest but didn’t make a purchase.
Mobile Optimization Mobile Accessibility Ensure combo offers are easily accessible and well-presented on mobile devices.
Mobile Notifications Promote combos through mobile notifications for app users.
Upsell and Cross-sell Checkout Suggestions Offer upsells and cross-sells at checkout by suggesting add-ons or higher-valued combos.
Similar Combo Suggestions Showcase similar or complementary combos on product pages to encourage additional purchases.
Customer Reviews Review Encouragement Encourage and display customer reviews for holiday combos to build trust and persuade others.
Incentives for Reviews Offer incentives like discount codes for future purchases in exchange for reviews.
Limited-Time Offers Urgency Creation Create a sense of urgency by offering holiday combos as limited-time offers.
Countdown Timers Use countdown timers to show the time left to avail the special bundle pricing.
Performance Analysis Sales and Profitability Analysis Analyze the performance of different combos in terms of sales, profitability, and customer feedback.
Optimization Insights Use insights to optimize combo offerings and pricing strategy for future campaigns.
Customer Support Information and Inquiry Handling Provide clear information and support for inquiries related to holiday combos, ensuring a seamless customer experience.

8. Mystery Upselling Ideas:

Mystery upselling can create a sense of excitement and intrigue, encouraging customers to spend more during the holiday season. Here are some creative ideas for implementing mystery upselling in your holiday campaign marketing strategy:

  • Mystery Boxes:
    • Create mystery boxes containing a random selection of products at a discounted bundle price.
    • Offer various tiers of mystery boxes at different price points to cater to different customer segments.
  • Mystery Discounts:
    • Provide mystery discounts at checkout where customers can unveil a surprise discount or offer.
    • The anticipation of uncovering a discount can encourage customers to proceed to checkout.
  • Mystery Gift with Purchase:
    • Offer a mystery gift with purchases over a certain amount to incentivize higher spending.
    • Ensure the mystery gift is wrapped in festive packaging to enhance the holiday campaign experience.
  • Mystery Product Reveals:
    • Tease a new product release but keep the details a mystery until a specified reveal date.
    • Offer pre-orders for the mystery product at a special price to generate early sales.
  • Mystery Flash Sales:
    • Announce flash sales where a select range of products or categories are discounted for a short period, but keep the specifics a mystery until the sale starts.
  • Mystery Bonus Points:
    • Offer mystery bonus loyalty points on certain products or categories, revealed only at checkout.
    • Encourages loyalty program engagement and repeat purchases.
  • Mystery Subscription Boxes:
    • Offer a subscription service where each month customers receive a mystery box of products.
    • This can also be themed for the holiday campaign with special holiday products.
  • Mystery Upgrade:
    • Offer a mystery upgrade at checkout, where customers have the chance to receive a free upgrade to a premium product or service.
  • Mystery Bundle Deals:
    • Create bundle deals where one or more products included are a mystery.
    • Customers will be enticed by the value of the bundle and the excitement of the mystery product.
  • Mystery Code Hunt:
    • Create a digital scavenger hunt where customers can find mystery discount codes hidden on your website or social media channels.
    • This engages customers and creates a fun, interactive shopping experience.
  • Mystery Live Events:
    • Host live events on social media where mystery deals and products are unveiled.
    • Engage with customers in real-time, answering questions, and promoting the mystery offers.
  • Mystery Collaborations:
    • Collaborate with other brands or influencers for mystery giveaways or exclusive mystery products.
    • Cross-promotion can attract a wider audience and create buzz around the mystery collaboration.
  • Customer Feedback Loop:
    • Collect feedback on the mystery upselling initiatives to understand what resonated with customers and to improve future mystery promotions.

Incorporating mystery upselling ideas into your holiday marketing strategy can create a unique and engaging shopping experience, encouraging customers to spend more while enjoying the surprises you have in store for them.


Implementing a diverse and personalized marketing strategy this holiday campaign will not only boost your sales but also enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. By integrating these strategies, you’re setting your brand on a path of engaging and fruitful interactions with your customer base, ensuring a merry and profitable holiday season for your business.
